What can I do TODAY to make change?

  1. Federal advocacy - Tell your U.S. House Representative to vote for the federal Women’s Health Protection Act and tell your Senators to end the filibuster delay tactic. Visit tinyurl.com/actforWHPA to send emails on the spot.

  2. State advocacy - Join our reproductive justice campaign to replace Georgia’s abortion restrictions with real abortion access. Sign up for the next action opportunity at amplify-ga.org/state-agenda#get-connected.

  3. Mutual aid - Donate time and money to Georgia’s only abortion fund & practical support network: arc-southeast.org.

  4. Direct action - Save the date for a massive march in downtown Atlanta on October 2nd, two days before the Supreme Court goes back into session. RSVP here.

  5. Exponential growth - Get two friends to take these actions too!